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Do you know someone who has paid hundreds of pounds for a model portfolio only to find that the agency they thought they were joining was not an agency at all?
Were they told words to the effect of, "You'll be perfect for our clients"?

Did they insist you use their own (very expensive) photographer?


If the answer to any of those questions was "Yes" then here is some good news.

I do not charge you for a one hour test session to find out if you or your child has potential as a model, (but I will ask you to pay for the make-up artiste's time if you choose to make use of his or her services.  After all, I have to pay him/her.)

You'll get an honest appraisal of your potential, guidance as to where you might fit in to the industry's current requirements, proof copies of the photos I take, (watermarked, not for publication), and I'll answer all your questions to the best of our ability.

For over forty years I have helped models seeking places with major agencies, but please understand that there are no promises.  Having said that, I won't lie to you, and I won't rip you off.


And even if you don't make it into a major agency, as a member of several of the biggest freelance modelling portals in the world, I will show you how to go down that path.

There will be no false promises, no guarantees, no smart one-liners, no claims I can't justify ... and no pressure to buy anything.

Good model agencies make money for you, not from you, and I am no different.

Over 700 references, all positive, from clients and subcontractors worldwide and from industry colleagues.  Under 18s must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.  

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